A look back at 2018...

February 12, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

To say "a lot happened last year" is the understatement of a lifetime. The first half of 2018 was wonderfully normal. Winter and spring weddings went by without a hitch and we took a lovely trip to NYC in May for my 35th birthday. The June crunch yielded eight weddings in six weeks which is crazy busy but still, pretty normal for June/early July. Then just four days later on July 11th, a pediatrician's appointment turned into an ER trip, which turned into a rare form of leukemia diagnosis for my then six-year-old son, Sullivan. Our world was shattered. He would have to stay at Penn State Children's Hospital for about a month at a time to undergo four intensive rounds of chemo.

(Sully & Dr. Bear)

I could write volumes about this time of our lives but I'll spare you the horror of it all and focus on the business end of things... The fall was a juggling act between living at the children's hospital at Hershey Med with Sully and traveling to photograph weddings and engagements all over central PA. My assistants, Emily & Paige, and my intern, Abby (and her awesome mother, Jenn!) were absolutely indispensable. You ladies had my back when I hadn't slept in weeks and then had to shoot for 6-8hrs straight. You traveled with me, kept me sane(ish) and kept track of my very absent mind during the worst months of my life. I cannot thank you enough. Shortly before Thanksgiving, Sullivan was released from the hospital after his longest and most complicated round of chemo and the subsequent infections resulting from his compromised immune system.

(All attitude as usual)

Sully is officially in remission and although he doesn't attend regular school yet, is still on at home medications, and still has monthly clinic appointments for labs and ophthalmology check-ups, our lives have returned to something resembling normal.

All of my work from 2018 is finally finished, marking the longest turnaround of my career. BY FAR. I can't thank my couples and portrait clients enough for being so patient and understanding with the delays and my scattered brain this past year.

I greatly appreciate that you put your trust in Wraven Design to capture once in a lifetime memories even during such a hectic time.

(Rocking his TMNT and Pikachu.)



Please enjoy some of my favorite shots from 2018's Weddings by Wraven Design:


I am forever grateful for this amazing career that has allowed me to take care of my family while still being able to support them by doing what I love. That being said, last year was definitely a lighter workload and tighter budget, but a new year marks a fresh start for all of us, one that my family is especially thankful to have the opportunity to enjoy. I am currently booking 2019 portrait sessions, including engagements, and 2019 & 2020 weddings. I am so excited to get back to work fulltime, capturing fairytales for more happy couples!

(Kieran, Rowen, and Sullivan ringing in the New Year)


To help other families affected by childhood cancer, please consider donating to Four Diamonds



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