Back To School and Senior Portraits

August 03, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

A lot is changing about how we are preparing for the 2020-2021 school year...

Some students will be navigating the landscape of social distancing and PPE as they return to their school buildings, while others will be attempting structure and focus while learning remotely.

ALL of the parents I know are stressed about this year for a myriad of reasons... We want to make sure that school portraits aren't one of them.

Whether you have a 3rd grader who won't be blessing you with that goofy-grinned and messy-haired school portrait this year or a junior or senior who is bummed that they didn't or won't have a normal prom, we are here to help!

To avoid the client overlap of mini days, Back-to-school Minis will be offered this year, for the months of August and September, as stand-alone sessions at the mini price. Up to 30mins at Wraven Design in York, PA. One outfit. 10 digital files -$95

We'd also hate to see all of the glitter and glam of Homecoming and Prom collecting dust in a closet, so we're now offering Epic Prom/Homecoming Sessions. Available in conjunction with a Senior Session with up to 2 additional wardrobe choices. Approximately 90mins. - $200. Or as a Formalwear-Only session. Approximately 30mins -$95.
(Open to all genders in their suits, tuxes, dresses, or anything in between! Couples welcome. Locations TBD. Digital files, prints, etc available through

So if you have a student or students who will be missing their school portraits this year, or you would just like something other than one pose on that grey modeled background, let's schedule something unique for your family!

Contact [email protected] or message our Facebook page for booking.

Back to School MinisBack to School Minis


Prom Dress SessionsProm Dress Sessions



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