Early Thanksgiving/end of the year reflection message concerning deadlines

November 23, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

This year I am amazingly thankful for the client and "fan" interest in my photography. I have been completely overwhelmed (sometimes literally) by all the likes, comments, booking requests and general attention that this page and the business as a whole has gotten in 2013! THANK YOU ALL!! <3

This fall I have been admittedly overwhelmed. Wedding season was intense with several destination weddings in rapid succession that had me out of town or out of state for days at a time. As a result, I fell behind. Editing turn around times have been much longer than I'd like. Clients have gotten frustrated, antsy, and sometimes downright nasty about it. I understand. I can assure you that no one has been as upset and stressed out by it as me. I am my own harshest critic. I am a perfectionist. I hate disappointing people. I much prefer happy returning customers and growing friendships.

I am bound and determined to get completely caught up to my personal preferred turn around times before Christmas... for my clients and for myself and my family (so I can actually relax over the holidays and not spend all my time stressing over deadlines and being a neurotic mess like I have been this fall) Specifically, I want to have Kristen & Rob and Billie & Andy's weddings up by the end of this month, Shellie & Randy and Courtney & Jeff's weddings up by Dec 15th. I want to have Healing for the Holidays sessions done by Thanksgiving. Everything from HFTH up until the Mini days done before the end of November, and mini days and any other holiday shoots done by Dec 15th. Personal projects/modeling shoots I will work on over Christmas break (American Male & Are You a Good Witch or a Bad Witch).

2014 Turn around times will then be back to normal: A typical maximum of 2 weeks for sessions and one month for weddings... with teasers/previews still going up same or next day.

This year I've learned my own limits for booking and editing. I've learned how much business I can actually take on in order to stay ahead of deadlines and stay sane. As a result, I am learning to say 'no' as well. I cannot take all the business requested of me.. For that I am truly sorry. I love photography! I love meeting new people and capturing their special moments. I love continuing to watch children grow. ...but I will have to limit my sessions, book further out, and limit myself to two weddings per month. I will be better balancing the business and my own family as well. (I'm pretty sure my kids don't recognize me anymore without a keyboard or camera attached to me...)

I want to thank you all again for coming along with me this year.. for liking my page and following the photos that are posted each day. Thank you for loving my art. Expect more creative, fanciful, crazy concept shoots. Expect more beautiful babies and epic weddings. Expect more stunning models and happy families. Expect more from me. Keep me on my toes like you have done this year, and I will not disappoint you.

Now back to editing.. *cracks whip* ha.


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